The Family of Divine Innocence

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The Holy Sacrament of  Confession.



C.C.C. 1423:   ‘It is called the sacrament of conversion because it makes sacramentally present Jesus' call to conversion, the first step in returning to the Father (Cf. Mk 1:15; Lk 15:18) from whom one has strayed by sin.

It is called the sacrament of Penance, since it consecrates the Christian sinner's personal and ecclesial steps of conversion, penance and satisfaction’.


C.C.C. 1424:   ‘It is called the sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest is an essential element of this sacrament. In a profound sense it is also a "confession" - acknowledgment and praise - of the holiness of God and of his mercy towards sinful man’.


It is called the sacrament of forgiveness, since by the priest's sacramental absolution God grants the penitent "pardon and peace." (OP 46: formula of absolution.) 


It is called the sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the love of God who reconciles: "Be reconciled to God" (2 Cor 5:20). He who lives by God's merciful love is ready to respond to the Lord's call: "Go; first be reconciled to your brother (Mt 5:24).


Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, Post – Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul 1984, paragraph 30:


‘As an essential element of faith concerning the value and purpose of penance it must be reaffirmed that our Saviour Jesus Christ instituted in his Church the sacrament of penance so that the faithful who have fallen into sin after baptism might receive grace and be reconciled with God’


Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, Post –Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul 1984, paragraph 31:


‘Contrition and conversion are even more a drawing near to the holiness of God, a rediscovery of one's true identity, which has been upset and disturbed by sin, a liberation in the very depth of self and thus a regaining of lost joy, the joy of being saved,(Ps 51(50)) which the majority of people in our time are no longer capable of experiencing.

     We therefore understand why, from the earliest Christian times, in line with the apostles and with Christ, the Church has included in the sacramental sign of penance the confession of sins. This latter takes on such importance that for centuries the usual name of the sacrament has been and still is that of confession. The confession of sins is required, first of all, because the sinner must be known by the person who in the sacrament exercises the role of judge. He has to evaluate both the seriousness of the sins and the repentance of the penitent; he also exercises the role of the healer and must acquaint himself with the condition of the sick person in order to treat and heal him. But the individual confession also has the value of a sign: a sign of the meeting of the sinner with the mediation of the Church in the person of the minister, a sign of the person's revealing of self as a sinner in the sight of God and the Church, of facing his own sinful condition in the eyes of God. The confession of sins therefore cannot be reduced to a mere attempt at psychological self-liberation even though it corresponds to that legitimate and natural need, inherent in the human heart, to open oneself to another. It is a liturgical act, solemn in its dramatic nature, yet humble and sober in the grandeur of its meaning. It is the act of the prodigal son who returns to his Father and is welcomed by him with the kiss of peace. It is an act of honesty and courage. It is an act of entrusting oneself, beyond sin, to the mercy that forgives. Thus we understand why the confession of sins must ordinarily be individual not collective, just as sin is a deeply personal matter. But at the same time this confession in a way forces sin out of the secret of the heart and thus out of the area of pure individuality, emphasizing its social character as well, for through the minister of penance it is the ecclesial community, which has been wounded by sin, that welcomes anew the repentant and forgiven sinner.

     The other essential stage of the sacrament of penance this time belongs to the confessor as judge and healer, a figure of God the Father, welcoming and forgiving the one who returns: This is the absolution. The words which express it and the gestures that accompany it in the old and in the new Rite of Penance, are significantly simple in their grandeur. The sacramental formula "I absolve you" and the imposition of the hand and the Sign of the Cross made over the penitent show that at this moment the contrite and converted sinner comes into contact with the power and mercy of God. It is the moment at which, in response to the penitent, the Trinity becomes present in order to blot out sin and restore innocence.’



Spring 1985.  To a married couple.


Our Lady.   Put away all selfishness and pride. Reconciliation comes in the way Christ taught it: complete for­giveness of the unforgivable. He died on the Cross, carrying this out perfectly. So many people say, 'If only this person will act or behave in the way I want, I will love and forgive them.' This sort of love is worth nothing. love is to love the unlovable, forgive the unforgivable until the wounds others inflict on you bleed with love in union with your Saviour, who did the same for all your faults and sins.


You are all required to forgive beyond what is humanly possible. It is made possible with Divine Help. Ask, and keep asking for this help. Go to My Son in the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion. Grace will be given. Where someone stubbornly refuses to forgive, do penance, and pray for that person unceasingly.



2nd August 1985.  After Confession.


Patricia.  The living, Sacred Heart of Jesus came from the tabernacle.  After Confession I felt great waves of love and embraces from Our Lord, it was very wonderful.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.   See how, in Confession, My Blood washed over you and the excess ran even onto the floor.  This excess is the excess of My Mercy that you are to take into the world in the form of forgiveness to those around you.  Forgive, forgive, and continue to forgive, as I continue to forgive you.  Why, men, do you continue to despise this great gift I have given you?  Make full use of My Mercy in frequent Confession and Holy Mass.  How else can I show you My Love and Mercy?  Let Me embrace you in these gifts of Myself.



31st August 1985.


Patricia.  After a night of temptations and after I had been to Confession, Our Lord said:


Jesus.   The devil will harass and taunt you in whatever way lies open to him.  Always come quickly to My Saving Blood, no matter how many times, with the same weakness and temptations.  Humble reception of the Sacraments is where healing lies.


The devil will say that you are too vile, too unworthy, and try to put into your heart and mind fear of coming to the Source of love and freedom.  I know how weak you are.  I accept you and want to embrace you.  I know of your desire not to offend Me, your longing for pure love full of integrity and a delicate understanding of one another.


Patricia.   Lord, I don’t want any thing or person to hold me back from you, or my attention to be on anything else but you through Our Blessed Mother.


Jesus.   Come, My little bird, I love you.  Be not afraid of anything.


Our Lady.   Just because someone can’t walk, Patricia, you do not abandon that person, so with the sinner.  Those who cannot yet walk in faith, good works, humility, truth, and all the other virtues are helpless and cannot be abandoned.  Do I or My Son abandon you?  Of course not – we treat you with the tenderest affection, love and understanding.  This is how you must behave to those around you.


After Confession, Patricia, you felt the immediate joy and exultation of the angels on your receiving Absolution.  When Father feels weary and tired tell him of the joy heaven feels at the outpouring of the Blood of Christ on his penitents.


My children, why do you neglect this most compassionate Sacrament of Love?  My Son is so humbly waiting for you through the action of my dear sons (the Priests): My Divine Son is waiting, silent and in deep humility in the tabernacle.  What more can He do for you?  Will you reject Him forever?  Will you not come to be healed?  If My son came in person everyone would flock to that one place, but here He has made Himself available in every part of the world just to console and love you and what do you do?  You neglect Him.  How you amaze heaven with your disbelief and your lack of faith!



6th April 1994.  Easter Week. Nazareth House.


Patricia.  Often during Confession the Holy Family, in a spiritual sense, draws near to me.  The exit from the Holy Family is sin, the doorway back is the Confessional.  We should have a deep desire to be perfect members of the Holy Family.  We must try not to grieve the Holy Family. Frequent Confession is the answer.  We should appreciate this wonderful, intimate, individual meeting with Jesus.


During the Absolution, I saw Our Lord.  In a spiritual sense I kissed His wounded feet and said I was sorry for my sins.  Our Lord was seated and Our Lady and St. Joseph was close by.  I leant spiritually against Our Lady’s Heart.  Whenever I am in any kind of distress I

see the Holy Family draw near to comfort me.


Priests and the laity should reverence the precious time of Confession and love this blessed meeting with Jesus that so consoles the Holy Family!  The Holy Spirit - the Comforter - is poured out on us and the Father is well pleased.



24th November 1994.  Nazareth House. Pine Tree.


Patricia.  Our Lady has come.


Patricia.  I felt the need for Confession and said to Our Lady:  “Dear Mother, I am very sorry for my sins.  Forgive me”!


Our Lady.   Go to Confession!  You see how weak you are, how easily you fall, and how quickly my Divine Son forgives you!  You must treat others the same, even those who treat this grace with disrespect and opposition, indifference and neglect.  My Divine Son suffered much worse injustices, so did I, His Mother.  Do you find any evidence in the Gospel of my Divine Son and myself discussing the faults of others?


The actions of those who do not behave    according to the Gospel, the Commandments and the teaching of the Church speak for themselves.  All will be revealed.  Your vocation is to be innocent, holy, humble, pure, obedient lambs.  There is no time to have discussions on the faults of others.  The Novitiate of the Holy Family, my child, is to assist you to walk in the ways of God and to truly follow Him whom the Father sent to redeem you.


Patricia.  Mother, what of those who seem not to recover quickly from the sins of others and their own sins, and now it is affecting their whole lives?


Our Lady.   Generous souls, and truly contrite souls, move into an area of reparation for their own faults and the faults of others.  Help them to make their suffering creative and redemptive, in union with Jesus on the Cross.  Often in souls there is also an attachment to sin (as you have seen in        many cases), an element of wilfulness and a refusal to forgive and forget.


Patricia.  Dear Mother, some things are so terrible that many souls find it almost impossible to forgive the unforgivable and forget the unforgettable.


Our Lady.   Therein lies the door that locks the soul in unnecessary suffering - not being forgiven by others and they themselves not forgiving.  On the Cross the Saviour forgave the unforgivable and all down the ages.  He put the sins of men behind His back.  My Motherly Blessing +.



24th February l995.  St. Joseph’s Church, New Malden, Surrey.  


Patricia.  I had been disturbed by my past sins, which could have caused the loss of my soul, had not Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother come to rescue me. I was troubled by the thought of so many sins and if I had confessed them all or remembered them properly.


In Confession the priest gave me the penance of telling God I loved Him.  I did this, looking up to the Crucifix above the altar, with love and gratitude in my heart.  Suddenly I saw the most glorious vision of Our Lord on the Cross.  His precious Body and the Cross itself were shining brighter than the Sun.  It seemed as if it had been raining heavily and dark clouds were being driven away, as they are when the sun comes out.  The warmth and heat of Divine Love emanating from Our Lord’s Body on the Cross was drying up all the rain, and the wonderful light that came from the Crucifixion made the raindrops sparkle as they do when the sun comes out after the rain.  The warmth, love and glory coming from the Cross and Our Divine Saviour gave me the most incredible joy. Our Lord said to me; “All is forgiven and all is forgotten”.  The Glory of the Cross had driven away the storm clouds of sin and shame.


Patricia.  I love you My God and this Glorious Cross that has saved my soul from sin and death.


I saw the cross, and trials and sufferings in my own life in a completely different light; united to the Glory, Power and Love of Our Lord’s Cross, the crosses in my life seemed something to embrace and not to recoil from or avoid.  United to His Cross, they seemed more like a union of mingled love, sorrow and joy.  United to Our Lord’s perfect offering to the Father they seemed beautiful and even desirable, because of the power of the Cross to save souls.  All this I saw after Confession and Our Divine Lord said to me;


Jesus.   Record what you have seen to console poor sinners and to give them confidence to return to me in the Sacrament of My loving forgiveness, Confession.  Tell sinners not to be afraid but only to draw near.



29th November 1996.  Nazareth House.


Patricia.   Our Lord showed me that when one has temptations, this is how to deal with them:


Jesus.   If you were caring for a small child and some evil person tried to harm that child, would you not immediately rush to the child's defence and protect the infant with your own life if necessary?  You must do the same when an evil temptation tries to kill My Innocent life in you.  Leap to My defence, protect Me!


If you had a servant to whom you entrusted the child, you would expect the servant to run to the child's mother should danger approach, and call upon her assistance.  My Mother has entrusted My life in its infancy to you.  As I grow in stature and wisdom in you, take good care of Me! Run to My Mother, should the forces of evil try to harm Me in your bodies and souls, in your thoughts, your actions or your intentions.  Be those on whom My Mother and I can depend!



27th December 1996.  Nazareth House.  Confession – how to deal with scruples.


Patricia.  Speaking to those who suffer from scruples and find it hard to believe that God has forgiven them, even after Confession.


Jesus.   I speak these words to each and every soul.


Jesus.   My child, I wish you to sing to Me a Hymn of Trust.  Think of scruples as a name that belongs to an evil spirit that wishes to frighten you, My Beloved!  Do Me the great honour of trusting Me in all your frailty and weakness.  Give Me the gift of your confidence in My Mercy!

I am your God, Your intimate friend, and the lover of your soul.  Lovers make excuses for the one they love!  Say this Prayer!


Prayer given by Our Lord on the 27th December, 1996:


‘Oh my Saviour, look with compassion on my frailty and weakness.

I trust that, in Your goodness and love, You will not only be lenient

towards me, but will burn up all my sins and shame completely in the

fires of Your Divine Mercy. Give me the courage to approach You

with complete confidence. When I am dying take me in Your arms

and carry me to Paradise.’


Jesus.   This Prayer I give to sinners who refuse to allow scruples to darken their confidence in Me. Sinners, avail yourselves of My Divine Mercy in Confession!


Patricia.  Lord, I give You the gift of my confidence in Your Mercy and Love!


Jesus.   Thank you, My child!  Thank you!



7th January 1998(ii).  Nazareth House.


Patricia.  After Confession I said to Our Lord: “I do not seem to be doing very well at getting rid of my sins”.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.   Root them out as soon as they appear (in Confession.)  Remember the problem you had with ground elder in your garden and now there is no trace of it.


Patricia.  I did some weeding Lord, but also conditions changed in the garden that may not have been conducive to the plant.


Jesus.   Those conditions in the spiritual life that are not conducive to the weeds of sin are; striving for holiness, discipline, obedience to the laws of your God and the Church and a sensible, holy, and wholesome way of life.


Same day at the beginning of Mass:


Patricia.  Father read about the saint of the day, St. Raymond of Penyafort, priest.  1175-1275, St. Raymond was a very brilliant lawyer when, at the age of 47, he became a Dominican to conquer his pride. He eventually became Master General of the Dominicans, Archbishop of Tarragona and confessor to the Pope. He died aged one hundred.


Our Lord pointed out that St. Raymond thought that leaving the successes and riches of the world and joining the Dominicans would conquer his pride, but he was put in positions in the Church that would put him in the front line in his struggle against pride. (Head of his order, Archbishop, and confessor to the Pope.)


Jesus.   Many souls think that when they pray to overcome besetting sins they will no longer be tempted, and when they are tempted they think their prayers have not been answered. 


Patricia.  Our Lord told me to remember the passage in the Bible that says;  [Sir 2:1] “My son, if you come forward to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for temptation.” and [1 Tim 6:12] “Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”


Jesus.   There are souls who are not prepared to fight against temptation in order to strengthen their spiritual muscles.  These souls are like creatures that live under stones; they prefer to live in the dark of sin rather than enter the battle, fight the good fight, and win the crown of virtue. Turn the stone over and suggest that they come out into the light and they will run for cover and go back into the gloom.


There are other souls that think that their prayers are not answered when they pray for a particular temptation to leave them, and that temptation seems to increase. They do not see the temptation as a training for their souls and an opportunity to grow strong, or an opportunity to humble themselves in Confession. When the temptation does leave them for a while they neglect to thank God for their deliverance and they quickly point a finger at others who fall. When temptations return again and again to train and humble these souls they begin to lose faith in God and prayer, they dislike going to frequent Confession for the same besetting sin; they are dissatisfied with themselves for being so weak, and they fear God will not love them unless they can overcome the fault with their own strength. These souls have little love for God, for themselves, or for others.


Patricia.  Our Lord pointed out that God had answered St. Raymond’s prayers to over come his pride by giving him many opportunities to exercise humility in the midst of temptation, and gave him 100 years to get it right!


7th February 1998.  After Confession.

Patricia.  Lord, I seem to get worse, not better!

Jesus.   That statement shows that you have a greater understanding of your poverty.

Patricia.  Thank you for showing me what I am and my faults. How could I be so blind?

Jesus.   Love makes one blind.  Love of self makes one blind to one’s own sins.

Patricia.  You certainly get right to the heart of the matter, Lord.

Jesus.   Some sins require a surgeon’s knife.  It is better to cut out the sickness before it kills the soul.  What were your faults?

Patricia.  Pride, lack of love and compassion, criticism and many others*.

Jesus.   Correct these faults and appropriate what you need from the merits of the saints and from the treasure house of your God, for yourself and for others.

Patricia.  I am very sorry, Lord!


* Patricia.  On reading this message at a later date I said a prayer of Appropriation:


“Oh My God, I appropriate the humility of My God who condescended to be born in a stable and laid in a manger.  I appropriate the Love of My Lord who died for love of all mankind on the Cross.  I appropriate the compassion of My Saviour who gave Himself for poor, weak sinners, who healed the sick and raised the dead, restoring them to life.  I appropriate the silence of Jesus before His accusers, who asked His Father to forgive those who put Him to death, rather than criticise them, in reparation for my sins and the sins of the whole world.  I appropriate the perfect Offering of Jesus on the Cross and all His merits and virtues, for all weak sinners, including myself.’



14th February 1998.  Nazareth House


Patricia.  I was enquiring of Our Lord why, after so many prayers and aspirations, various besetting sins still plagued us. 

Our Lord showed me a wound that was festering and needed cleaning every day.  Such badly infected wounds seem to take a long time to heal.  This is what happens in a spiritual sense to those who have in the past not lived as they should. There are deep seated spiritual wounds and weaknesses, especially of the will, which show themselves in besetting sins. Confession is the cleaning out of these infected wounds.  The sin is forgiven and wiped away but the weakness may still be there.

Jesus.   Those souls, so wounded, make reparation in bearing these wounds.  They gain humility by having to confess them often.  They gain compassion for other weak and sinful souls. They are given the opportunity to exercise the opposite virtue.  They see their extreme helplessness without grace.  They are taught to appropriate to themselves the holiness and innocence of their God.  Write the prayer I have inspired in your heart, child.

Patricia.  Oh my God I appropriate to myself for your glory all the purity, innocence and virtues of Our Blessed Lady, St. Joseph and all the saints.  I appropriate all the holiness, purity and Divine Innocence of the Three Divine Persons.  I offer to my God the contrition of all contrite sinners throughout the whole world and of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Dear Lord, I humbly place myself before you and appropriate your Divine Humility.  I offer all that I have appropriated in union with Our Lord on the Cross for souls and the downfall of Satan.  Accept this offering, my God, for Your glory.

Jesus.   The soul may appropriate any gifts the soul desires for its own needs and the needs of others.  (Patricia.  For example: appropriate peace in place of disunity, generosity in place of meanness, love in place of hate, humility in place of pride, etc.)

Jesus.   The soul learns that all gifts and graces are a gratuitous gift from their God and they cannot by their own merits acquire anything, however they have all things in abundance available to them from the treasure store of my love.



19th August 1998 (i).  Sunday.  After Confession.  


Patricia.   After the Absolution in Confession which was the long form, Our Lord said that those Priests who use the shorter form leave out a lot of catechesis. From the wording of the Absolution, Our Lord showed that the penitent was not left alone in trying to overcome their sins:


R.   ‘Through the ministry of the Church, the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father of Mercies through the death and Resurrection of His Son, has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins. Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace and I absolve you from your sins in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’.


‘May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the intercession of all the Saints, whatever good you do, evil you suffer, heal your sins, help you to grow in holiness and reward you with eternal life. The Lord has freed you from your sins, Thanks be to God, Go in the peace of Christ’.


Patricia.   “Through the ministry of the Church”; here the penitent sees the help of the Mother Church and the Priests and his Priestly vocation of self-sacrifice to help the penitent.

“…..the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”; the Sacraments flow from Christ Himself.

“ ….God the Father of Mercies”; here we see Our Loving Father, His great Mercy for the sinner and His love for us.

“…through the death and Resurrection of His Son has reconciled the world to Himself”; we see here the love of Our Lord offering Himself to the Father in reparation for our sins so that we might be reconciled.

“ … And sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins”; here we see the Three Divine Persons complete and the action and love of the Holy Spirit.

“….Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace”; virtue and innocence and pardon bring us God’s peace to live in innocence with Our God in union with the Saints.

“…..and I absolve you from your sins, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”; we must know that it is in the name of the Three Divine Persons that we are forgiven and it does not matter if we like or dislike a particular Priest, if he intends to do as the Church teaches.

We are forgiven if we are truly sorry for our sins and with the help of God’s grace we will try not to sin again even though we are so weak. We may well sin again and have to return to Confession. We must feel sorrow for offending such a loving God.



20th August 1998.  After Confession.


Patricia.   I was thinking about my Confession and how good God is to be so free with His forgiveness and Mercy. I thanked Him.


Jesus.   Do you forgive others?


Patricia.   Oh yes, My Lord, how can I not forgive? I am the worst of sinners and deserve only condemnation.


Jesus.   You must go ahead of the sinner with your forgiveness and make preparation for poor, weak souls as I have done for you in giving you the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, confession, baptism and the Sacraments. Have your banquet of mercy and forgiveness already set out and as soon as you receive the wounds of other people’s sins, forgive and show mercy! You have the confirmation of this advice in the words of the Scriptures; “Forgive one another as soon as a quarrel begins” (Col 3:13).


Patricia.   I was shown a wonderful banquet of good food, beautifully set out on long tables with lovely white linen, beautifully embroidered. This was a symbol of all the ways God is merciful to us and how we too must go ahead of poor sinners and prepare, with God’s grace, a banquet of mercy, love, compassion and forgiveness. The different foods represented all the different ways that we can forgive others and show mercy, leaving the judgement of others to God alone, and not taking vengeance on others ourselves. Our Lord showed me that we should anticipate the love, mercy and forgiveness we should give to others ahead of time and be ready always to forgive.


Jesus.   Regarding judging others, you must judge what to do via prayer and the grace you have prayed to receive, in order to discern particular situations, but refrain from passing premature judgement on others to condemn them.


Patricia.   Make judgement as to what to, do but separate the judgement of the situation from condemnation (Do not go with the sinner or into sinful situations).



4th September 1998. 1st Friday. Confession.


Patricia.   At the absolution when the Sign of the Cross was made over me by the Priest I was shown a cross of light burning into my body, cutting away my sins.



4th July 2000(i).


Patricia.  I thought of my sins and how sorry I was for them, how powerless I was to overcome them.  Our Lord said:


Jesus.   I am not an accountant, the books never balance from your side!  I am more interested in love than accountancy.


Patricia.   I thought how good God is to me, so patient and kind, and I told Our Lord that I was glad to be in communion with the people of God and the Church.  After Confession and during Mass, when I had received Communion, I said to Our Lord, “I love you Lord”, and He replied:


Jesus.   Tell Me again!


Patricia.   I repeated again, “I love you Lord”.


Patricia.   During thanksgiving after Mass, I said again, “I love you Lord”, and Our Lord replied:


Jesus.   Say it again!


Patricia.   I love you.


Jesus.   Again!


Patricia.   I love you, I love you, I love you!


Jesus.   And I love you and I can say it more often than you can (in countless ways).


Patricia.   You are very good.


Jesus.   No, I am Goodness and Love and it won’t run out because of your sins and failings!


Patricia.   Thank goodness you are not an accountant, I was never very good at maths.


Jesus.   Love pays the debt where your books don’t balance, Love knows a better way.  How it grieves Me that so many give up because they feel they are dealing with an accountant, not an all-loving God.  ‘Forgive and you will be forgiven’ (Lk 6:37), ‘Ask, and you will receive’ (Matt 21:22), ‘Give and it will be given back to you a hundredfold, pressed down and running over’ (Lk 6:38).  Loving God is simple!



17th September 2000(i).


Patricia.   As absolution was given, at the words, ‘You sent the Holy Spirit into the world for the forgiveness of sins’, I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a white dove hovering over the priest and myself. I prayed silently:


“Lord, you reveal to us the depths and misery of our sins and yet shower us with love and compassion, tenderly comforting us. Little by little your love towards us puts out the fires of our indignation and anger towards others who have hurt us”.


Jesus.   The fire you should feel towards others is the fire of the Love of the Holy Spirit; all tenderness and compassion. Stoke this fire within you by love, humility, a good confession of your own faults, sins and failings. Poor sinners need rest for their souls and forgiveness. Make no premature judgements, leave that to Me! My Judgement is just and true!  If you judge prematurely, you may find unwittingly you have judged a great saint and you will be all confusion on judgement day. Judge not and you need not fear judgement!


I give time for poor souls to amend. See how much time each one of you need yourself – extend the same liberality to others. Be meek and tender-hearted and peace and joy will reign in your souls.  Extend the same compassion to yourself. Those who are hard on themselves are often hard on others. There are those who are hard on others but never on themselves. It is better to tend towards clemency and forgiveness, then I can give you what you have not given to others – the benefit of a lenient judgement.  Love is a stricter discipline than many believe – joined with good order, it brings peace and concord.


Patricia.   We do not want God to prematurely judge us but to wait until, with grace, He has made us holy.


Jesus.   Does strictness on My part make you less sinful?


Patricia.   No, Lord, it just makes me afraid because I am so weak.


Jesus.   Precisely!  What makes you want to amend?


Patricia.   Love!


Jesus.   Yes My dear child, love!  Love one another as I have loved you. Love will win through. Love will achieve, ‘Not your love for your God but My Love for you’ by the free gift of justification and transformation.


Patricia.   Is it that easy, Lord?


Patricia.   Our Lord smiled and then laughed humorously.


Jesus.   The burden of love!  My burden is light. My dear children, observe love, Divine Love, not a lesser love. Keep the Commandments and all else will be added to you. Love is the fullness of the Law – I am the fullness of the Law. Observe the fullness of the Law of Divine Love! ‘Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends’. Do this for friend and foe alike as I did, seeking the truth in love.



19th January 2001.


Patricia.   Lord, what of those who have lost their innocence?


Jesus.   Confession restores innocence again! 


Jesus.   In Confession, Divine Innocence draws near and kisses the soul newly washed in My Precious Saving Blood.



24th March 2001.  Nazareth House.


Patricia.   We were sharing the fruits of our studies at the Eucharistic University and someone spoke of the liturgical movement to reform the Sacrament of Confession from an individual confession to a communal celebration, with general absolution the norm.  Our Lord quickly replied:


Jesus.   They are denying the meeting I wish to have with the individual sinner!


Patricia.   The Gospels show us that Jesus did not forgive sins en masse.  The Church uses general absolution only for emergency situations such as a ship sinking or men going into battle. See Sacraments of Healing, Catechism of the Catholic Church, chapter 2. C.f. CCC. 1497, Also the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliation and Penance 1984, paragraph 32:


R.  ‘Following the suggestions of the Second Vatican Council, the Ordo Paenitentiae provided three rites which, while always keeping intact the essential elements, make it possible to adapt the celebration of the sacrament of penance to particular pastoral circumstances.

     The first form—reconciliation of individual penitents, is the only normal and ordinary way of celebrating the sacrament, and it cannot and must not be allowed to fall into disuse or be neglected. The second form—reconciliation of a number of penitents with individual confession and absolution—even though in the preparatory acts it helps to give greater emphasis to the community aspects of the sacrament, is the same as the first form in the culminating sacramental act, namely individual confession and individual absolution of sins. It can thus be regarded as equal to the first form as regards the normality of the rite. The third form however—reconciliation of a number of penitents with general confession and absolution—is exceptional in character. It is therefore not left to free choice but is regulated by a special discipline.

     The first form makes possible a highlighting of the more personal—and essential—aspects which are included in the penitential process. The dialogue between penitent and confessor, the sum of the elements used (the biblical texts, the choice of the forms of "satisfaction," etc.), make the sacramental celebration correspond more closely to the concrete situation of the penitent. The value of these elements are perceived when one considers the different reasons that bring a Christian to sacramental penance: a need for personal reconciliation and readmission to friendship with God by regaining the grace lost by sin; a need to check one's spiritual progress and sometimes a need for a more accurate discernment of one's vocation; on many other occasions a need and a desire to escape from a state of spiritual apathy and religious crisis. Thanks then to its individual character, the first form of celebration makes it possible to link the sacrament of penance with something which is different but readily linked with it: I am referring to spiritual direction. So it is certainly true that personal decision and commitment are clearly signified and promoted in this first form’.



8th April 2001.  Nazareth House.


Patricia.   After I had received Confession Our Lord spoke of the proper disposition of the Priest and people towards the Sacrament:


Jesus.   The Priest should consider people coming to Confession as those returning from the battlefield, some deeply wounded, some near to death, others with little hurts and others in psychological trauma.  Children come to a good mother with their wounds and sinners come to their Mother the Church, which should not send them away but bend down and comfort them.  Even when little ones come with small hurts and scratches they need love and attention. 


A good mother will tend little bruises and cuts with as much love as for deeper wounds.  She will correct gently where the children received the wounds through their own fault and warn them of the dangers.  She will discern carefully where inexperience and where wilfulness needs to be checked.  A good mother will draw the child to peace and reconciliation with the child’s brothers, sisters and friends and set him on the right road again.  The Priest in Confession must be like this, showing to the penitents the Church’s Motherly love, care and instruction.  This is what is meant by priests and all men praying for a motherly heart.  This you can learn from the Blessed Mother!


Regarding General Absolution, a good mother does not give the same treatment to a broken leg as she would to a grazed knee or a sore throat!  She does not line up her children, who have very different hurts, give each one of them a plaster and say, “There, you are cured, God can do the rest”!  General Absolution, and I refer you to the teachings of the Church, is for extraordinary situations and emergencies!


Priests, remember you will be held accountable for the sheep in your care!  Follow Me, seek out the lost sheep and bring home the lambs!  When you find them bleating at the door of the Confessional, often afraid, reluctant and unsure, open wide the doors of your heart and bring them into the warmth of My Divine Love!  Wash them clean of their sin and set their feet on the road to salvation!